Friday, May 8, 2009

People Should Stop Abusing Animals

We all like to think that nobody would abuse a wonderful animal, but it’s time to face reality. Animal abuse is everywhere. As a result, I’ll be talking about why animal abuse is cruel, why I think it should be against the law, and why it’s against animal rights.

Firstly, animal abuse is cruel, think about how many animals die because they were beaten so badly, or how many are permanently damaged for life because they were abused. When I watch the news, and see pictures of animals that were abused, I feel sick, and think, why? Why do people have to be so heartless? Animals never did anything to hurt us. Sure there are animals like that, who would purposely try to hurt us, but you know what? In most cases the reason why an animal ends up trying to hurt a human, is because the human has brutally beaten them. Animals have lives of their own, imagine if you did one tiny thing wrong, and you got beaten for it. One little mistake! Animals really don’t deserve this, just remember hitting or anything like that, is never the option!

Secondly, I believe animal abuse should be against the law! When a human abuses another human, they get sent to jail, why not when a human abuses an animal? Just think about it, it’s basically the same. Just like humans, if an animal gets abused badly enough they can die or, get seriously injured. What makes animal abuse so different than human abuse? Hundreds of animals don’t get to live a full life, because of their heartless owners, but if animal abuse was against the law, that could be different, just imagine if you could save at least a couple of animals. Animals aren’t just pets, to some people; sometimes they are more like a companion or a best friend. If animal abuse was against the law, we could rescue the poor animals, and give them a better home.

Lastly, animal abuse is against animal rights. Animals can’t stop you, when you hurt them, even if they tried. Animals deserve respect too. More and more animals get put down because they attack a human, but I bet half of those incidents were out of self defense, because the human was abusing them. Animals deserve a, good and loving home, and owner. When you beat them, you aren’t giving them any of those.

After reading this, what are you thinking? You’ve heard this all before right? So why are people still abusing animals? We all know this is cruel, that it should be against the law, and that it’s against animal rights. So make a difference and stop abusing animals!

The Road that lays Ahead

It’s hard to believe graduation is only a week away!” Jasmine Jill’s best friend exclaimed.
“Yeah,” Jill said, but not with as much enthusiasm, as Jasmine.
Jasmine stopped in her tracks and looked at Jill, “you don’t sound so thrilled.”
“No! No! I am.”
Jill didn’t answer. The truth was, she was a bit scared, but at the same time excited.
“What’s going on?” Jasmine asked.
“Well…. Oh my! Look at the time, I promised Jake I’d meet him at his locker, see ya!” Jill explained. Jasmine watched Jill jog down the hall for a few minutes, then she walked to the cafeteria.

“Jake!” Jill called.
“Jill! I was beginning to think you forgot,” Jake admitted to his girlfriend, as he gave her a kiss.
“No! Jasmine and I were just talking ab…..” Jill started then quickly changed the subject, “let’s go eat, I’m starving.”
“Ummm…alright,” Jake said, allowing himself to be steered to the cafeteria. Jill went straight to the table where, Jasmine and her boyfriend, Mark and Emma were sitting.
“I thought you said you were starving,” Jake pointed out, when he noticed she had sat down at the table, instead of going to get food.
“Oh…ummm…. Yeah I was, but umm...I’m not anymore,” Jill stuttered. Jake gave a concerned look around the table, and then shrugged and sat beside Jill.
“So, who’s going to throw the graduation party?” Mark asked.
“Well, I could, only if Emma and Jill help,” Jasmine offered.
“Absolutely!” Emma grinned.
“What!?” Jill shouted. Everyone looked at Jill with surprised and concerned looks, Jill usually loved parties, and she just wasn’t herself today. “Well I’m actually busy after….graduation.”
“Are you okay?” Jasmine asked.
“Never better, why?” Jill answered.
“You aren’t yourself, like in the hall you were really quiet when we were talking about graduation, and know, you usually love parties.”
“She has a point,” Jake said, rubbing Jill’s shoulder.
“Those things don’t prove anything!” Jill yelled, feeling angry, they had no right to say those things. “I need some air.”
As Jill walked outside, she couldn’t help feeling even angrier at herself. They were right, this wasn’t like her. She very rarely got this mad at her friends. She didn’t know why she was feeling so temperamental today. She was very sensitive about, graduation being in a week, everyone else was so sure about where they were going, but she wasn’t. Emma was going to be a doctor, Jasmine was moving to Winnipeg then going from there, Mark was following Jasmine to Winnipeg, and going to college there to become a journalist, and Jake, well she didn’t dare to ask him, graduation was going to change a lot in their relationship.
Jill had ideas for college, a vet or an actress, but she couldn’t choose, maybe she didn’t have what it takes to be an actress, maybe she was better off with a vet like people said. She also knew that this small town in Saskatchewan wasn’t where she belonged, maybe Saskatchewan was, but she knew Pilot Butte wasn’t, but where?
“Why does life have to be so complicated,” Jill thought out loud.
“I’m not sure?” a voice behind her said, making Jill jump. She turned around to see her boyfriend, Jake looking at her with concern. “Jill we all are very sorry, we are just worried about you, what’s going on?” Jill explained to Jake about how she was so unsure about the future and their relationship after graduation.
“We’ll make it work,” Jake said giving Jill a hug.

Before Jill knew it graduation day was here, she woke up with a sigh, this was it this was the day everything would change.
At 12 p.m. Jill, Jasmine, and Emma headed to the hair salon to get their hair done. The graduation ceremony was at 4 p.m.
“I’m so excited!” Jasmine exclaimed.
“There’s going to be so much change, it’ll be awesome!” Emma said.
“Yeah, but change isn’t always cool,” Jill pointed out.
“Come on Jill, don’t be like that,” Jasmine and Emma complained. Jill sighed.
At 1:00 p.m. the girl’s hair was finished.
“Let’s go get our nail done!” Emma said.
“Yeah!” Jasmine yelled.
“Uh…no thanks, manicured nails and me don’t go well together,” Jill pointed out.
“It’s not like your in a rodeo, or going to the barn today,” Jasmine explained.
“If I had it my way I would have,” Jill muttered under her breath. “Okay no your right, but what about this weekend?” Jill said more loudly
“Fine I guess we can’t make you, but lets all go back to my place and get the stuff for the party out, then Emma and I can do our nails, and then we can get dressed, okay?” Jasmine offered.
“Sounds good,” the girls agreed.

When the girls got back to Jasmine’s house they got all the party decorations and headed outside to decorate.
“Thanks goodness there’s no wind right now,” Emma commented.
“Yeah, and it’s a good thing it’s going to be a nice night,” Jill agreed.
The girls put sparkly lights in all the trees, along with some colored streamers. They put up the banner that said, “Graduation Class 2009” in big bold letters. After the decorations were put up, they went inside to get the table to put the food and drinks on later.
“There! That’s all ready,” Jasmine exclaimed.
“Yeah! And our hairs still in place,” Emma pointed out. The girls nodded and headed indoors.
Once upstairs in Jasmine’s room, they got her nail polish out along with her make-up.
“Come on Jill, you have to get your nails done, please!” Emma pleaded.
“No Way! I hate nail polish. Your lucky I agreed to put on make-up,” Jill explained. Reluctantly Emma dropped the topic. Emma picked a purple nail polish to match her pale purple, silky dress. Jasmine did Emma’s nails and Jill attempted to do Emma’s make-up. Later Jill did Jasmine’s make-up and Emma did Jasmine’s nails. Jasmine picked a peachy colour.
“There, all done,” Jill exclaimed. Jasmine walked over to the mirror.
“Wow! Jill you a natural,” Jasmine gave Jill a hug.
“I told you!” Emma said.
“No!” Jill argued.
“Okay, let’s get the dresses on, we only have an hour,” Jill said.
The girls got their dresses on, being careful not to smudge their make-up, or ruin their hair.
Jill’s dress was a silky, aquamarine blue that had no straps, and it went down to her feet. “I’m going to trip on my dress!” Jill complained.
“No you won’t, just don’t concentrate on tripping,” Jasmine instructed. Jasmine’s dress was a pink, below her knees, it had thin straps that criss-crossed at the back.
“We all look amazing!” Jasmine exclaimed as she turned to Emma and Jill, Emma was just finishing Jill’s make-up.

At 4:00 p.m. the graduation ceremony started. Jill was so nervous every name got closer to hers.
“Vanessa Klan!” the principle shouted into the mic. Great! Jill thought. “Jill Marshall!” Jill walked up to the principle, praying that she wouldn’t trip on her dress.

Before Jill knew it she was in Jasmine’s backyard dancing with Jake.
“You’ve been awfully quiet,” Jake pointed out.
“Yeah? I’ve just been thinking about the…future,” Jill replied.
“That’s not good.”
“I guess not.”
“Same stuff?” Jill sighed and nodded.
The night flew by, Jill danced with almost everyone.
“Well…Umm… I guess this is good-bye,” Jill’s voice cracked as she spoke to Jake.“Sadly,” was all Jake could manage. He enveloped Jill in a big hug, and looked in her eyes and kissed her cheek, then walked away.
“I’m so sorry,” Jasmine and Emma came up behind her and gave her a hug.
“It was for the best,” Jill said. After two years of dating it was hard to believe that they were over, their relationship-long gone. Maybe it’s not, a little voice said inside her head. The girls cried and hugged a gazillion times, until they each went their separate ways.
Who was Jill going to laugh with, or vent to when she was mad, or cry to when she’s sad. The day went by in a blur. Everything was different know, nothing was ever going to be the same.

“I’m going to miss you so much mo, but this is what I have to do,’ Jill cried into her mother’s shoulder.
“I know, I know, but just remember I’m just a phone call away,” Mrs. Marshall said giving Jill a kiss on the cheek, and another. Then watched as Jill climbed into her car. Jill waved good-bye and blew her a mom a kiss, as tears streamed down both their faces.
She drove along the highway heading first to Fort Qu’Appelle to see her grandparents. As she drove down the highway she admired the prairies and horses grazing and playing with one another. Suddenly her cell phone started ringing, making Jill jump.
“Hello?” Jill answered.
“Jill, it’s me, Jasmine!”
“Jazz! It’s so good to hear from you.”
“It’s only been two days,” Jasmine laughed.
“Yeah I guess.”
“So, I just phoned before Mark and I leave. So where are your right now? I’m guessing traveling.”“Yeah I’m just heading to Fort Qu’Appelle right know to see my grandparent’s…”
“Oh I see, our planes arrived, so I’ll call you when we land, see ya!” Jasmine spoke fast. Jill hung up the phone feeling terribly alone. This wasn’t as easy as she expected.
Within ten minutes Jill was pulling into her grandparent’s farm, instantly she knew coming here was a mistake, because once she shut the car door her horses, Nugget, Rossie, Twinkie, and Stormy galloped up to the fence. How was she suppose to tear herself away from them in a couple of hours, or her grandparents for that matter. Jill stood staring at the horses for awhile until Nugget and Stormy’s impatient knickers broke through her thoughts. Jill laughed and jogged over to their gate and let herself in.
Nugget was Jill’s first horse she ever rode, they have a connection that no other horse and rider could ever experience. He follows her everywhere she goes when she’s working with him, it’s almost like they don’t even need a lead rope.
Stormy and Jill share a bond as well but not like Nugget and Jill.
“How’d I know we’d find you here?” Jill’s grandma laughed.
“Grandma!” Jill said as she jumped over the fence to give her grandma a hug.
“So are you taking them with you?” her grandpa asked.
“I will eventually, when I get my farm, it’ll be hard to pick though.”
“We can talk about that later,” her grandpa laughed.
After Jill said hello to Rossie and Twinkie she followed her grandparent’s up to the deck, her grandma went inside to get water and ice cream.
“So where you going next?” her grandpa asked.
“I’m not completely sure, probably Uncle’s,” Jill said.
“Here, I remembered to get your favourite,” Jill’s grandma said handing Jill her drumstick. “So, I heard your going to go to Bradley’s next. Where are you going after?”
“Umm…I think maybe B.C.” Jill said.
Her grandpa and grandma nodded. They sat and talked for awhile, then she took Nugget out and did some barrels, but then all too soon it was time to go. They said their tear filled good-bye, surprisingly even her grandpa cried. Jill looked over to Nugget’s pasture and saw the same pain in his eyes that she sees in his eyes every time she left. Even the same pain in Stormy, Rossie and Twinkie. Jill walked over to her car, fighting the urge to run to the horses and her grandparents again.

Once she got outside of Regina, her eyes were finally dry, but red from crying. As the prairies, rushed by her, she realized this would be hard to leave behind. As Jill drove down the familiar gravel road she traveled and walked on so many times with her uncle, she felt a odd feeling of something she couldn’t put her finger on, was it satisfaction, no maybe, contentment, whatever it was she liked it.
Once she pulled into the farm, Cosmo and J.J. her uncle’s Australian Shepherds began barking and running up to the truck, followed by Emma, her five year old cousin, but practically her sister.
Jill jumped out of the car and picked Emma up and gave her a big bear hug.
“Jill your back!” Emma exclaimed in her childish little voice. Cosmo and J.J. jumped up in Jill’s legs constantly, waiting impatiently for the attention to turn to them. Jill laughed and put Emma down so she could pet Cosmo and J.J.
“Emma! Emma where are you?” Jill’s Auntie Alalna’s worried voice came from behind the garage. “Here mommy!” Emma called back. “Look Jill.”
“Emma! Don’t ever do that again,” Alalna said sternly, Emma nodded. “Jill!” Alalna exclaimed once she noticed Jill standing with the dogs, she ran over to give Jill a hug. “I’m so glad you stopped by before you left.”
“Me too! So where Un…” Jill started.
“Jill!” Bradley interrupted, running over to give her a hug.
“You found him!” Alanlna laughed.
“Your just in time to see Emma ride Trooper,” Bradley explained, handing Emma her helmet. Bradley reached down to lift Emma up onto Trooper, but Emma pulled away and said, “Jill, Jill you lift me up.”
Jill laughed and said, “how about I give you a boost up.”
“What’s that?” Emma asked.
“You climb onto my knee, and put your left foot in the stirrup.”
“Okay.” Emma did as she was told, and she was beaming when she was sitting in the saddle. “I did it!”
The three adults laughed and said, “Yes.” Emma rode around the yard first with Bradley and Alanlna then Jill took Alanlna’s place. Once again all to soon Jill had to leave, and once again it was a tear filled good-bye.
“Our little niece is all grown up,” Bradley said to Alanlna, and she nodded.
“No I’m not,” Emma said confused.
Everyone laughed. “Your right but your not our niece, Jill is and she’s all grown up know,” Alanlna explained.
“Ohh,” Emma said.
Jill gave hugs to everyone, including Cosmo and J.J. before she climbed into her car. Jill didn’t dare to look back. Knowing she would lose the longing to go back.
Two hours later Jill could make out the mountains in the distance, she instantly felt excited. Maybe this would easy.
Jill pulled to the side of the road to admire the scenery. The golden prairies, the mountains that looked never ending. Maybe this was where she belonged, she climbed back into her truck, making her way to Vancouver first. As Jill grew closer to Vancouver, she began to feel nervous. What if she couldn’t find an apartment for rent? What would she do?
Once Jill got downtown she headed to her cousin Miranda’s Maybe she would stay there for the night.

“Jill! Oh my gosh! You didn’t tell me you were coming here,” Miranda exclaimed. Miranda was a year older than Jill, they shared almost the same interests, but Miranda was more of a city girl, Jill preferred the country-the wide open.
“Well I’m sorry, I thought I’d surprise you,” Jill laughed.
“It was a nice surprise! Come in! So how long are you here for?”
“It depends, I’m kinda on a road tripe, you know, like how you did to find your future” Jill explained.
“I see, well you could stay here for as long as you need, but I’d recommend you go stay on a farm in the foothills too. You know, so you could find out if B.C. is for you,” Miranda advised.
“I agree, I’d love to stay here tonight, but I don’t have a farm in the foothills,” Jill agreed.
“You’re in luck,” Miranda said handing Jill a paper that read. “Farm for rent” in big bold letters.
“Wow! Do you think you could call in for me please, I have to go get my stuff out of the car, before it gets too dark,” Jill asked. Miranda nodded.

Once Jill was done unpacking what she’d need for tonight she sat at the kitchen table and asked, “so did I get it”
Miranda sighed looking sad but then said, “Yes! You got it!” Miranda laughed.
“URGH! I hate when you do that,” Jill laughed, trying to sound mad.
“It’s so fun though!”
“Okay….so what’s for supper?”
“Leftovers,” Miranda said opening the fridge. Jill grabbed a slice of chicken pot pie and a glass of milk. Jill and Miranda talked about B.C. and why Jill should stay, till Jill decided to call it night.

The next morning Jill said good-bye to Miranda and headed to the mountains.
Once she got out of the busy streets of Vancouver she finally felt relaxed. She could see the mountains in the distance, the animals grazing….Suddenly Jill’s phone rang, it was Jake! Suddenly a bunch of questions swarmed into Jill’s head, should I answer it? What should I say? On the third ring Jill answered it.
“Hey Jake.”
“Jill! How are you doing?” Jake asked, he sounded just as nervous as Jill.
“Uh…good, I’m in B.C.”
“Sweet! How’s it going?”
“Okay, where are you?”
“Moose Jaw, I’ve got an apartment around Main Street.”
“That’s good, but I’ve got to go, talk to you later.”
“Okay bye,” Jake sounded like he had wanted to say something important but just couldn’t get himself to.

As Jill pulled into the drive she was surprised at what she saw. The farm had animals in it that was the last thing she expected. There was a lot of cats and a couple of dogs, along with horses in the pastures.
“You must be Jill,” the old man said.
“Yes, you are?” Jill asked/
“I’m sorry, I’m Jason Park.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m surprised, I didn’t expect the animals,” Jill admitted.
“Well what’s a farm without the animals, hey?” Jason laughed.
“So how long are you staying?”
“Probably for about 4 days.”
“Okay here’s the key I’m kinda in a hurry so talk to you later,” Jason waved good-bye and got in his beat up truck.
Jill grabbed her bags and headed inside. The house had white old fashioned furniture, the kitchen had a country theme along with the bathrooms. She dropped her bags on the floor, and headed outside. Of course she headed straight to the pastures.
There was a paint horse about 15 hands. And the other, a Bay, looked to be about 16.5 hands. She just stared out at them for a bit, until the horses came up to her.
“Hey there,” Jill greeted the horses. The bay seemed to be a bit shy. She hung back when Jill looked at them, but the paint didn’t, she came right up to her and blew out in greeting.
Jill played with the paint for a little longer, then headed to the house. Just as she got in the phone rang, Jill stood there for a bit wondering if she should answer it, come on you’re the only one here it must be for you, a voice inside her head said.
“Hello?” Jill answered.
“Hey Jill, It’s Jason Park.”
“Oh hi!”
“I was just calling to see how things were going.”
“Great everything’s fantastic!”
“That’s terrific, if you go in the stable I left a note for you, it’s about the horses.”
“That’s great, I’ll head out there right know.”
Jill said good-bye and headed outside. There it was in the tack room, it read,
Jill you bring Molly (the paint) and Dolly (the bay) inside after supper, they each get a bale of hay. And 2 things of oats. You can ride Molly if you wish.
“Well that’s good to know,” Jill said out loud. Suddenly Jill heard footsteps coming from the aisle, slowly she crept to the door and peeked out. There looking bewildered was a slim, brown haired guy, he was tall and very attractive. Jill was more confused, why was he here? She was even slightly scared.
“Umm… Hello?” Jill stuttered.
The guy jumped and answered, “Hey! You must be Jill.“Yes, you are?”
“Oh I’m sorry, I’m Lucas, Jason’s so, he sent me down here to see how your doing.”
“Oh, well I’m doing fine,” Jill answered walking by him to grab a halter that was hanging by Molly’s stall.
“Your taking Molly out?” Lucas asked.
“Yep, I can, can’t I?”
“Yes! Of course, it’s just she’s a bit spirited.”
Jill couldn’t help it, but she wasn’t warming up to Lucas, he seemed liked one of those guys that were very protective of woman. “Well I can handle that, I’ve been riding since I was four, and I’ve barrel raced since grade.9, I have experience,” Jill said, maybe a little too sharply.
“I’m sorry, I’m just looking out for you,” Lucas apologized.
“I don’t need anyone looking out for me,” Jill said. Lucas nodded, as Jill walked by him to the pasture.
“Come on Molly let’s go for a ride!” Jill called.
When Jill got back to the barn, she saw Lucas standing in the same spot. “I’m going to leave now.”
Jill couldn’t help smiling when she turned to Molly, “Okay, bye” is all Jill could manage without sounding too happy.
Once Molly was all tacked up Jill took her into the mountains. The scene was fantastic! The golden prairies, the mountains looking like they were touching to sky, the sunset made mountain tops turn purple and pink. Or the sunset making it look like a painting-something that looked to beautiful to be real. The sunset made mountain tops turn purple and pink.
Jill got back and she untacked Molly and brushed here down, then she went to get Dolly, she gave them their supper and headed inside to her own.

The next morning Jill woke up feeling lonely and even kinds homesick. So she decided to call her mom.
“Hello,” Sherry her mom answered.
“Mom, it’s me!”
“Jill! How are you?”
“Okay, it’s not what I expected, but it’s good.”
They talked about how things were going back in Saskatchewan, and how things were for Jill. Sherry told her things would get better, but Jill just wasn’t convinced.
When Jill hung up she heard pans rattle and a stove beeping in the kitchen. Jill pulled on some sweats and a tank top, not wanting to go out in her P.J.S- and went out to the kitchen.
“Good morning!” Lucas greeted her.
Jill just stood there, she really didn’t like Lucas, “stalker,” Jill muttered under her breath as she walked to the fridge.
“Pardon?” Lucas said.
“What? Oh nothing. Why are you here?” Jill asked.
“I thought I’d make you breakfast.”
“I’m perfectly capable of doing that myself,” Jill pointed out rudely. Suddenly Jill’s phone rang. It was Jake.
“Hey Jake!” Jill answered.
“Jill hey, I didn’t wake you did I?” Jake asked.
“No actually,” Jill moved into the hall. “You saved me.”
“From what?” Jake sounded alarmed.
“Settle down, no there’s just this guy, Jason’s son actually, I met him yesterday, and he let himself in this morning, and know he’s making my breakfast,” Jill explained.
“But don’t worry nothings going on.”
“I would support you either way, we are still really good friends.”
“I know, so are you still in Pilot Butte?”
“No, actually I moved to Moose Jaw,” Jake answered.
“Oh, hey Jake sorry my phones dieing I’ll talk to you later,” Jill said, then hung up and grabbed her charger and headed into the kitchen.
“Who was that?” Luca asked, putting the omelets on two plates.
“None of your business,” Jill answered sharply.
“I’m getting the feeling that you don’t like me,” Luca admitted.
“Hey you do know something! Congratulations!” Jill applauded.
“Why?” Lucas asked.
“Well, you come in unannounced, and your one of those guys who think girls need extra protection,” Jill explained.
“Those are just silly excuses, but I’ll change.” Jill knew he was right, but she still didn’t warm up to him. Jill shrugged and finished her breakfast and headed outside.
She groomed Molly and Dolly, and then took them out to their pasture. Then came back to muck out their stalls. She gave the cats and dogs their breakfast, and then Lucas came out to the stable.
“Hey, look I’m really sorry Jill,” Lucas apologized.
“Okay,” Jill said. “Maybe I was a little rude, I overreacted.”
“I totally understand. Would you like to go for a ride?” Lucas asked.
“Your dad said that only Molly could be ridden,” Jill pointed out.
“Yeah, for the other people that come. She’s my horse, and she’s very shy,” Lucas agreed. Jill nodded then started to walk to the pasture with Lucas.
Within ten minutes they headed out of the yard Jill couldn’t help it, but she was actually starting to like Lucas.
“You’re a really good rider,” Lucas said, breaking the silence.
“Thanks, I’ve been riding since I was four, you’re really good too.”
“Thank-you. You want to gallop?”
“Race ya to the hills!” Jill yelled as she took off.
‘Not fair!” Lucas yelled after her.

Jill and Lucas got home at about 2 P.M. that afternoon. Luca left at 3 P.M. and Jill to a break from the outdoors to call her mom. She told Sherry about the ride, and how the scenery was fantastic, although something still didn’t feel right, her heart wasn’t content here, something was missing, but what?
That night Jill had trouble sleeping, she fell asleep at about 1 a.m. but then woke up again at 5:30 a.m.
The last two days were horrible, she was feeling very home sick, but she knew that it wasn’t something she has to get used to, it was because B.C. wasn’t right for her.
At 7 a.m. she said good-bye to Jason and Lucas, then headed home, she had already phoned her uncle to say she would stop there, and he said that they all would be waiting.
At 4 p.m. Jill was pulling into the familiar farmyard outside Moose Jaw, a place that was like a second home out of the places she’d basically lived in, her home with her mom, her grandparent’s farm and her uncle’s.
There waiting for her was her Uncle, Auntie, Emma, her mom, her grandparents, even her brothers, and holding Emma was Jake.
“I see Emma’s warmed up to you!” Jill called to Jake.
“Welcome home!” everyone called.
“Yes this is my home! Outside of Moose Jaw this defiantly feels right!” Jill said, as Jake came over to give her a kiss.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


The best movie ever is Twilight. Why? Its action packed, and the romance between vampire and human is unbelievable!

Firstly if you like action packed movies, Twilight is for you! The action is so intense and interesting. The scene I thought had the most action would have to be the fight between the two main characters, Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, and a vampire that tracks humans, James. Edward and his family are vampires and so is James, but, Bella isn’t. Since Bella means the world to Edward James decides he’s going to kill her. James threatens Bella by saying he has her mother, when she gets there she discovers he doesn’t have her mom, she’s still in Florida. James tries to put Bella through a long and painful death. Edward’s family comes to try and rescue her but is it too late? Guess you will have to watch the movie to find out.

If you like romances that takes unexpected turns you should watch Twilight. In Twilight Bella Swan falls in love with a vampire Edward Cullen. Their love takes unexpected turns through out the movie; they go from “we can’t be together” all the way to “you are my life.” Edward starts out hating Bella, because he thought he would lose the battle with his craving for her blood. All a sudden he can’t live without her. They are defiantly a different couple. The love between Edward and Bella is one of a kind.

Lastly the story line is fantastic! It starts out with Bella Swan coming to live in Forks with her dad, little does she now, nothing will ever be the same. Bella is unlike any normal teenage girl, she doesn’t worry about fitting in with the others. When Bella goes to class and sits beside an Edward Cullen and finds him sitting as far away as possible she had no idea what was coming from the days that followed. Few weeks pass and she finds herself madly in love with him, once she finds out his family’s secret that’s when the story really takes the unexpected dizzying turns.

In conclusion Twilight is one of the best movies ever made because, of the fabulous action, the romance between vampire and human, and lastly the great story line. If you’re a sucker for a good romance, and action put together you have to see Twilight!

By: Jessica

House on Third Street

“Maybe you two girls should go for a walk and were off that pop,” Mrs. Pepper laughed as she watched her daughter Jill and her best friend Amber laugh and play Dance Dance Revolution on their Nintendo Wii. Jill was having a sleepover with Amber and it was only 8:30 p.m. and they were higher than a kite!
“Okay fine mother,” Jill laughed as she slipped off the mat.
Amber laughed and said, “You can’t even walk! Your drunk on pop!” The two girls laughed as they waved to Mrs. Pepper and walked out the door.

When the girls finally settled down enough to have a normal conversation they had already walked two blocks, all the way to Third Street!
“I don’t think that house is ever going to sell,” Amber said as she looked at the old brown run-down two stories house. The windows had shutters that looked like they could fall off at any second, the two trees in front of the house gave it a spooky look.
“It’s said that the house is haunted by the elderly owner who died in it a year ago” Jill informed.
“Whoa! That’s crazy!” Amber laughed. Amber has never believed in ghosts no matter how many convincing stories she’s been told.
“Well let’s go find out then, I’ll go first, once I hit the stairs you follow, okay?” Jill instructed. Amber nodded as she watched Jill walk towards the house. A creaking noise from the stairs made both girls jump. Then Amber followed. Once both girls were at the door Amber said,
“Are you going to open the door?” Jill nodded hesitantly, scared of what may lay beyond the door.
“AHH!” both girls screamed as a swarm of bats flew at their heads, both girls took deep breaths to settle themselves down, suddenly a moaning noise came from the house.
“Sh-sh-should w-w-we go…in?” Amber stuttered as she was still shaken by the bats. Jill nodded and both girls took a shaky step inside the house. The house had an 80’s style design, with torn up brown furniture, the T.V. they used was on of the old style that you had to listen to instead. Suddenly the radio was turned on! Both girls gasped in horror as they watched the knob turn.
Once the knob was placed on a channel the girls were shocked as to what they were hearing. “Hello and good evening,” the lady said. “I’m Misty Waters and I’ll be your reporter for this evening. I’m sure all you guys on and around Third Street now about the old run-down house on the corner, it’s been brought to my attention by the ghost experts at the New York University that this house is indeed haunted! Anybody around there is advised to stay-“and then the radio was turned off. Both girls stared at the radio in horror, and bolted for the door and ran a whole two blocks till they got to the corner of Jill’s street.
“Should we tell your parents?” Amber asked Jill.
“Are you kidding they’ll never believe us, they will just think we had one to many pops,” Jill exclaimed.
“If they were watching the news they might,” Amber pointed out. There was a couple seconds of silence and then Jill spoke.
“Lets just not say anything for now okay?”
“Okay,” Amber agreed.
“So how was the walk? Are you two still hyper?” Mrs. Pepper asked. “Is everything alright?” she added as she searched the girl’s shaken faces.
“Oh! Yeah everything’s fine, A-okay were just going to go down-stairs and you know watch a movie,” Jill said.
“Way to go she’s never going to suspect anything now,” Amber added sarcastically.
Mrs. Pepper stared after the girls and turned to her husband, Mr. Pepper, “do you think we should go check what happened?”
“No Just leave it, she’ll tell us when she’s ready,” Mr. Pepper said.
“What if it’s something serious,” Mrs. Pepper added looking really worried. Mr. Pepper put a reassuring hand on his wife’s shoulder and walked into the kitchen.

Jill and Amber were still shaken by the house as they watched the movie.
“Maybe we should do some research on the house,” Amber suggested.
“What? Oh ummm….yeah,” Jill agreed as she stopped twisting her brown curly hair.
After an hour of research the girls had discovered that the old man named, John Violet was a ninety-six year old who died of old age and is said to be haunting his house. Some neighbors have heard spooky voices from the house but have never seen anything odd, yet others have said he’s a dangerous ghost who hates visitors.
“Sooo………do you believe in ghosts now? Jill ask Amber.
Amber was quiet for a minute and replied, “I think so, and do you think he’s dangerous?”
“Well,” Jill started as she flipped through articles, but all a sudden she found an interesting article. “Hey look at this one,” she said as she pointed and read the article. The article said, the old man had a anger issue, and he was kicked out of a anger management class because he was far to dangerous, he was then put under a 24 hour watch by the FBI. When an officer went to his house for a regular check up and never cam back they ran out of options, but two weeks later his body was found in the back yard! The cause of death is unknown.
“Hey that might be the officer that was on the news a few months ago!” Amber exclaimed. Amber scrolled down to find out the exact date of when the article was made, and it indeed was written a few months ago.
“They even said that no one found the body till six months ago….” Jill started.
“Because of the suspicious quietness the FBI noticed after they gave him a little more freedom,” Amber finished.
“I have popcorn!” Mrs. Pepper called. “What are you two doing? I thought you were watching a movie.”
“Oh nothing,” Jill said as she quickly closed out of the window, “we were just ummm…”
“Checking who was on msn,” Amber finished.
“Okay well here’s the popcorn, we’ll be going to bed soon so, night!” Mrs. Pepper said as she kissed both girls on the head.
Jill breathed a sigh of relief and said, “We are so lucky my mom’s that gullible.”
“Yeah my mom would be suspicious and probably sneaking up on us,” Amber agreed. “But we will eventually tell your parents right?”
“If we have to I guess, but do you really think we’ll have to? Like we’re not going back there,” Jill explained as she walked to the couch with the popcorn.
“Well I think we should, it’s kind of interesting.” Amber exclaimed.
“Are you kidding?! How is it interesting? First you don’t believe and now you do and you want to go back?” Jill shouted.
“Come one Jill, you have to admit it is a bit interesting,” Amber said as she sat beside Jill. Jill just sat away in though for a couple minutes and then she said; “okay I guess it’s a little interesting” Jill smiled.
“Yes! I knew it! So you will come with tomorrow?” Amber asked.
“What!?” Jill yelled.
“Tomorrow will you come with? Please Please!” Amber pleaded.
“Yes thank-you!”

The girls got up at 10:00 a.m. the next morning and started making pancakes. Once Jill’s parents left for work the girls laid out the plan for the day, they would first head out to the house and go to the backyard and look at the place were he “died and was buried” After they would go inside and look around the house and see if they can find any other suspicious happenings.
Once they got to the house Jill looked at Amber and said, “If we don’t make it out you should now you’re my best friend in the whole world!”
“Don’t be silly Jill, I’m a bit freaked but still want to go in,” Amber said and pulled Jill behind.
Once they got to the back yard both girls stopped to observe the scene. There was a torn up fence around the back, three gigantic trees, and another half torn up fence in the left corner that separated three grave stones from the rest of the spooky yard. Jill looked at Amber and pointed to the grave stones, and both girls walked cautiously to the stones and opened the gate. One stone read John violet born June, 15, 1950- June,1 1991, the second read a beloved wife/mother and daughter Judy Violet, born September,8, 1950-Auguest, 27, 1991. Finally the third read a wonderful daughter Stephanie Violet born October, 9, 1982-December, 2 1991. Both girls stood frozen till Jill whispered, “he, he had a daughter and wife.”
“Stephanie only lived till nine, Oh my gosh!” Amber whispered.
“Yeah and her mom was only 41,” Jill said. Both girls just stood there for awhile and stared at the stone, and then Jill spoke, “let’s go inside now.” Amber nodded in agreement as they headed for the back door.
“Let’s start upstairs,” Amber said as she got another shot of adrenaline. “Let’s check out this room,” Amber pointed to the door on the far right. Inside there was a pink room with a rainbow going across the far wall, the bed was pink with purple flowers on the bed spread, there was a cream colored dresser and desk, along with a make-up desk.
“She was only nine and she wore make-up,” Amber commented.
“Yeah, and she had a lot written in her diary about her mother and father,” Jill said as she gave Amber the diary to read. It read,
Dear Diary,
It’s really the same old but today it got worse, my mommy started screaming so I went downstairs to check what was going on, there was my dad screaming at my mom about whatever. Then he threw my mom a side when she told me to call 911! She hit her head on the coffee table and there was blood everywhere! So I ran upstairs and did what I was told but I think he’s looking for me he said he’ll be back but I wanted to make one last entry bef……..
“Oh my goodness,” Amber said as she clapped her hand to her mouth. “It looks like her dad must have grabbed her, look at the pen mark.” Amber pointed to the faint line that ran rights to the edge from were she was writing.
“Yeah, I just can’t believe she had to go like this, all her entries are about her father abusing her and her mom, she just wished he would leave them alone.” Jill said. All a sudden the door slammed shut and then the same moaning sound came again. Both girls screamed and ran for the door, but it wouldn’t budge. Suddenly the heard a high pitched little girl’s scream that screamed, “run! He’ll get you too….” Then the door opened. The girls screamed as they ran for the stairs.
“Ahhh!” Jill screamed as she fell down the stairs.
“JILL!” Amber yelled, then something grabbed a hold of her and pushed her into the wall as well from the fourth step.
The girls lay unconscious for 15 minutes when Amber awoke. She winced as she got herself in a sitting position. “Oh my god! Jill? Jill wake up!” Amber cried as she shook Jill to try and wake her. “You idiot! How could you do this! You monster!” Amber yelled into the dead silent house. When she heard the same little girl’s voice, but along with another she sounded older. Could it be Judy and Stephanie? Amber thought to herself. No it couldn’t be. “No it’s not” Amber whispered.
“We’ll help,” the older women’s voice told Amber. So Amber had to choice but to follow Jill’s limp floating body upstairs, as she followed Amber told herself that this was proof Jill’s body was floating in the position as if someone was carrying her. Before she knew it she was up another flight of stairs to what looked like a attic, with the wood flooring and white walls. There Jill’s body lay motionless on a white sheeted bed.
“We’ll be safe here, Stephanie go get warm water and a clothe with cool water for her head,” the older woman’s voice instructed.
“So you guys are Judy and Stephanie?” Amber asked. She thought this was weird because she couldn’t see anybody, but like she thought before Jill’s floating body was proof, right?
“Yes hon, it looks like you took a nasty spill as well, I’m a doctor, or at least I was so tell me, how many fingers am I holing up?” Judy said.
Well I can’t see you Amber thought to herself. When all a sudden Judy’s slim figure, blonde hair and pale beaten up face and arms appeared. It made Amber jump, “oh wow! Umm 4.”
“Very well,” Judy ask more questions and Amber answered them with out hesitation.
When Stephanie returned with all the materials Amber could see her as well, she was slim and short. She had a bob cut of blonde hair. She as well was bruised all over.
Two hours past until Jill awoke. “Where Am I?” Jill asked in barely a whisper.
“Jill!” Amber exclaimed. “We are in the attic, Judy and Stephanie here helped us,” Jill said as she pointed to the two figures beside her.
“There dead though,” Jill exclaimed with a little more energy in her voice.
“Ghosts now,” Amber said. “I didn’t believe it at first but who knows what could have happened to us if the didn’t come for us.” Jill’s eyes lit up as she tried to force herself to her feet, but cried out in pain. All a sudden Jill’s phone rang, and both girls looked at each other in fright.
“Here I’ll answer it,” Amber said as she reached for the phone. “Hello?” Amber answered.
“Amber where are you guys? Is everything okay? Where’s Jill?” Mrs. Pepper asked all at once. Amber explained the situation. Mrs. Pepper said she would be right over there with the Police, and an Ambulance for Jill.
With in fifteen minutes Jill was wheeled out on a stretcher with Amber and her mother right by her side, but someone grabbed Amber.
“She’ll be okay, we’ll miss you,” Judy said as she and Stephanie dissolved on the air.
“Amber right? I’m the reporter on the news and I’d like to interview you on what happened,” Misty Waters said.
“Oh umm… okay,” Amber started from the beginning and then when she was done, she hoped in the ambulance.
Mrs. And Mr. Pepper and Amber were in the emergency with Jill for the rest of the night, and where informed Jill had a concussion and a broken collarbone, but she would be just fine. That day was the last time they ever went on Third Street or anywhere near a Haunted House!

By: Jessica

Graham Wardle

In this report you will find out all the facts on the Canadian actor Graham Wardle. Such as,
1. Who is Graham Wardle?
2. What shows is he most famous for?
3. About his character Ty Bordon in Heartland.
4. What does he do when he’s not acting?
5. What does he hope to accomplish in the future?

Who is Graham Wardle?

Graham Wardle is a 21 year old Canadian actor born in Mission, British Columbia, but grew up in Vancouver were he now lives when he’s not acting. Graham started acting at the age of six, when his mom signed him up for a commercial. Graham has studied acting for a few years with help from Lisa Bunting. Graham describes himself as a fan of anything to do with the arts, but is a huge fan of photography, anytime you see Graham around Calgary or Vancouver he is sure to have a camera in hand.
Graham is an avid student in film production, which he is constantly learning about along with writing and directing.

What Shows is he Most Famous For?

Graham has starred in a lot of movies and television shows. He’s most famous for Anna’s Storm which aired in 2007, and he played Seth Corbin. At this very moment he’s really famous for the Calgary show Heartland, the first and second season, the second season shows that have aired so far consist of
-Summers End
-Sweetheart of the Rodeo
-Holding Fast
-Corporate Cowgirls and,
-Dancing in the Dark
There are six-teen more, Graham plays Ty Bordon in Heartland.
Graham has also starred in Like Mike2, Land of Women, and he played Gabe Foley, Super Natural which aired in 2005 and he played Tommy Collins. He’s starred in Killerbash that also aired in 2005 and he played Robert Yorke. Outer Limits he played Man number one, Graham was also in Ratz which aired in 2000.
Graham was in one episode of the New Adam’s Family, he played Bif. As you can tell Graham Wardle is a very busy man!

About Character Ty Bordon in Heartland

Graham Wardle is playing Ty Bordon in the Calgary series Heartland which takes place in the foothills of the Alberta Mountains.
Ty Bordon comes to Heartland on probation, after spending years in foster care. He’s a hired hand so he helps out around the yard and barn. Ty may be a big bad boy, but he has a good heart, especially to Amy Fleming who is played by Amber Marshall.

What he does when he’s not acting

With Graham’s busy schedule it’s hard to believe he has time to just hang out, but he does have weekends off. Graham likes to just hang by himself, and do some you tube surfing. Graham can also be found in the Chinook Mall in Calgary with co-star Amber Marshall, who plays Amy Fleming on Heartland.
He has also been found at the Guatemalan Orphanage painting children’s rooms, playing and hanging with the kids. Graham loves kids he says. Graham loves to write, take pictures and make films. Graham can also be seen playing Basketball in his free time.

What he hopes to accomplish in the future

Graham used to coach football before he started his busy schedule, so he hopes to do that again. After Graham made a film called Under Pressure and entered it in a film contest in Vancouver and won, he hopes that, that may be a good sign for a filmmaking future!
Graham also hopes to put his writing skills to good use in the future!


Graham Wardle is a 21 year old Canadian actor who was born in Mission British Columbia, but grew up in Vancouver where he now lives when he’s not filming Heartland. Heartland takes place in the foothills of the Alberta Mountains. Graham plays Ty Bordon and big bad boy with a warm heart in Heartland.
Graham can be seen in the Chinook mall in Calgary with co-star Amber Marshall who plays Amy Fleming in Heartland.
Graham hopes to put his writing, photography and filmmaking knowledge to good use in the future, and as you can see Graham Wardle is a very talented man!

By: Jessica.S

Wednesday, November 5, 2008



I chose horses to do my report on. In my report I will be talking about,
1. The History on the Horse
2. What Are Horses
3. Behavior of the Horse
4. Palominos
5. Why Horses Were Extinct?

History on the Horse

It’s hard to believe with the horses population today that horses were once extinct from North America and the Western Hemisphere. The around 16 Hands High horse today all goes back to the 10-20inch Hyrocotherium also known as the Eohippus. He lived fifty-five million years ago. The prehistoric horses had arched backs, three toes on the back and four on the front, they looked more like racing dogs then horses.
The next ancestor to the Hyroctherium is the Mesohippus. The Mesohippos lived thirty-five million years ago, the Mesohippus stood 20 inches tall and had long legs.
Every horse eventually gave away to the horse we have today, but the horse three million years ago was the first horse that looked exactly like the horse today.
Fossils proved that horses lived on every continent except Australia, you could also find herds of horses all over North and South America.
Horses were rode 5,000 years ago and used in war and sport in 1400B.C.
Horses were extinct for a period of time (I’ll talk about also) Christopher Columbus brought horses back to North America.
Horses played a important part in the exploration and development of North America by pulling trains, but the were replaced in 1830.

What is a Horse?

What is a horse? You may ask, well a horse is an odd toed Ungulate mammal one of eight of there species. The horse has come along way as you may have noticed. From a 20inch all the way up to 221/2 hands high which is also known as 86.5inches.
Horses come in thousands of breeds.
Horses have been the most useful animals for thousands of years. Horses were used in battle fields, for transportation in the late century, now they are used for farm work and leisure riding. Now horses are also used in circuses, rodeos, Horse Racing and Show Jumping.
Horses have the best memory of a animal. Horses also have awesome eyes, smell and hearing.
Some people also call Horses four legged wonders!

Behavior of the Horse

Horses react in different ways then any animal. Horses give warnings with their ears, tail, and facial expressions.
For instances if a horse has their ears pinned back against there head then this means there mad.
If their right ear is pointed to the right and their left ear is pointed to the left then this means there confused.
When a horse’s ears are pointed in front this shows that the horse is friendly, or alert.
A young horse’s ears are usually moving constantly, because they are focusing on their new surroundings.
Their tails are another warning sign, when a horse’s tail is pinned right up against their hind legs this means anger.
Now for facial expressions. When a shows the whites of their eyes this means there are extremely mad, so stay away! If a horse’s mouth is pinned tight and their eyes are tight it means a form of anger and pain.
Behavioral problems aren’t always a form of aggression, it could be paint too.
Did you now that a horse’s legs and teeth are their weapons? Now you do. A horse’s kick could seriously injure a human.
Now horses aren’t all mean a dangerous. If a horse has proper training and care it can be the friendliest horse ever. Just look at how many horses work as therapy for disabled humans!


Palominos are one of the most beautiful horses. With the golden coat, light blonde mane and tail.
Most Palominos have white on their face, legs, and below their hawks and knees. Stripes and the face and white stocking are also a common feature on a Palomino.
Just because a horse has a golden body and all the features of a Palomino it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a palomino. If it has a black mane and tail then it’s a Buckskin.
Although Palominos are popular it’s not classified as a breed. It’s a famous colour. Palominos belong to every breed except the Thoroughbred. In the United States they are trying to make a Palomino classify as a breed.
When a Mare(female horse) and a Stallion(male horse) reproduce, the Foal(baby horse) will not be a Palomino. It may eventually grow up to be a Palomino, although it’s rare.
Palominos were discovered by Americans in California during the Mexican, American War.
Palominos are now popular Parade and Show Horses.
Palominos often have Thoroughbred and Arabian features. Palominos stand 15hands high and are Light Horses, so they weigh 1,100 lbs.

Why Horses Were Extinct?

Did you now horses were extinct for a period of time?
Horses in the past and today were killed for fun and sport.
In the 18th century there were very few horses around in North America, but by 1879 there was one left, a mare but it fell. For a couple months horses were believed to be extinct.

In Bialowieza in a forest around the straddling border between Belarus and Poland horses were spotted grazing. Eventually this small herd grew to be a few more and horses were no longer classified as being extinct.

Although winter wad hard because the horses struggled to find grass to feed on, with very little fat in their bodies they also struggled to keep warm.

There are several reasons why horses were extinct, but today horses are killed for pet food and glue. In the past they were killed for meat and their fur.


As you can see horses were very important for the development and exploration of North America, and to our ancestors. Almost every human in the old days had a horse for transportation.
Today horses work as great therapy and companies. I hope you enjoyed my report on horses.

By: Jessica
“I’m home!” cried Amy once she entered the house after another boring day of school. “Mom? Grandpa? Grandma?” Amy called into the dead silent house.
Amy and her mother Isabella live with her grandma, Mary and Grandpa, Jake on a horse ranch just outside of Moose Jaw Saskatchewan.
Amy has long brown hair and brown eyes, and loves horses.
“Ahh!” Amy screamed.
“Got’cha! Boy are you jumpy,” Mary laughed. “I saw the bus leave and figured you came up to the house, come on lets go watch your mom in the ring, she got a new horse to train.”
“Really?!” Amy asked.
“Yeah now come on,” Mary said turning to walk out the door.
“Hey Amy! How was school?” Isabella asked.
“What do you think?” Amy laughed sarcastically.
“I see, so do you want to help me with this cutie?” Isabella asked “The names Star.”
“A baby could figure that one out,” Mary laughed, joined in by Amy as she walked into the ring with her laughing mother.

“What’cha making for supper sweetie?” Jake asked Mary.
“Oh something, you’ll just have to wait and see,” Mary answered mischievously as she covered the pot with her hand to block Jake’s view.
“Alright then” Jake sighed and made his way upstairs to get cleaned up.

“I think we should call it a day,” Isabella exclaimed. Amy nodded her head in agreement and said, “I can put the saddle and bridle away if you can turn Star out.”
“Okay,” Isabel agreed.

“Smelling yummy,” Jake announced when he returned back downstairs.
“It better,” Mary teased. “You can go get Isabel and Amy if you like.”
“Sure thing.” When Jake got outside he called, “Suppers ready,” into the barn.
“Okay coming,” Amy and Isabella called back.
Once Isabella and Amy came in for supper they all dug into a noodle casserole, meat pie along with a Caesar salad.
“That was fantastic!” Jake said. Amy and Isabella nodded in agreement.

Amy awoke at 3 a.m. to clattering downstairs. Are they still cleaning up? Amy asked herself. Amy walked downstairs quietly being careful not to frighten whoever was downstairs. Except they weren’t cleaning up it was her grandpa and mother fighting about a bill. What does that mean?
“I’m really sorry Isabella but we can’t keep the ranch and you now it, rules are rules,” Jake whispered very sternly.
“Can’t we keep part of the ranch and keep another part?” Isabella cried facing out the window.
“No! we can’t the ranch is getting taken away! We have no chose what we do!”
“You didn’t tell me that! You told me we had a week to come up with the money or decide what we were to do!” Isabella yelled anger rising in her throat, as she spun around.

Amy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. No one had told her about this, she felt like she was going to scream and anyone who was in on this secret. How could they keep such a big secret from her, she was 14 after all, she was old enough, wasn’t she? What where they going to with the horses? No they couldn’t take them to auction!
“Isabella! I’m sorry I didn’t want to hurt you….”
“Hurt me!? Hurt me!? Oh dear god! Don’t you think your way past that?! What about Amy!? That’s who you should be more worried about!” Isabella yelled.
“Okay Isabella Mary Anderson! Settle down. We don’t want to wake up Amy and your mother.” Jake said frustrated.
“Well then,” Isabella sighed trying to calm down. “What’cha going to do when the bank comes and Amy sees?”
“I’m not sure, we have a week to pack your things, so we have a week to break it to her,” Jake answered, breathing a sigh of relief now that the yelling was done with.
“She’s going to be furious with all of us,” Isabella said worry rising in her voice.
“Yes indeed but we just found out two days ago that the farm was being sold,” Jake explained.
That was the last straw, everybody included her grandma. Amy screamed and jumped off the stairs and out to the barn.
“Oh no!” Isabella and Jake whispered running out the door. “See I told you this would happen!” Isabella yelled.

“How could they do this to me Rosie?” Amy cried to her horse. Rosie nickered as if to say, “I don’t now” as she wrapped her neck around Amy.
“Amy can I talk to you?” Isabella asked softly, motioning for Jake to stay back. Amy didn’t answer she was to mad to talk to anyone.
“Sweetie I didn’t agree with grandpa,” Isabella said walking closer to Amy.
“You still did,” Amy replied sharply still looking at the wall of Rosie’s stall.
“I know, and that was a bad idea but I learned from that mistake, that’s why people make mistakes,” Isabella explained.
“It still doesn’t tell me why you guys didn’t tell me!” Amy yelled spinning around to face her mother. Rossie lifted her head in surprise and nudged Amy’s shoulder as if to say “settle down.” “I know Amy said turning to pat Rosie. It was quiet for a couple seconds then Amy spoke, “ three weeks mom, you all knew for three weeks and your saying you couldn’t tell me?”
“Yes,” Isabella said shortly, looking down at her hands. “We thought if we kept it a secret we would hopefully be able to pay the bill and it would be over with, never to be heard of again.”
“That sure worked hey? Your guy’s brilliant plan got our farm token away mom! Maybe if you were smart enough to tell me this wouldn’t have happened! I’ve got tons of money that could have helped!” Amy yelled. “But I wasn’t important enough for that, right?” Amy yelled storming off, not even stopping to jump into her grandpa’s outstretched arms.

Jake walked slowly up to his daughter who had tears streaming down her face. “Hey, you’ll be okay, she’ll get…..”
“This all your fault! Your idea to keep it a secret! I shouldn’t have listened to you!” Isabella screamed pointing at Jake.
“I know, and I can’t say how sorry I am,” Jake comforted.
“Well sorry sure isn’t going to cut it this time, Amy is furious with me, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she never speaks to me again!” Isabella yelled and ran right past Jake.

Four days has passed since that horrible day, and Amy hadn’t spoken to anyone, along with Isabella.
“So Amy I was thinking I would start work with Star today, would you like to help me?” Isabella ask Amy with crossed fingers. Mary looked at Amy with a urging look.
Amy was about to ignore her mother but then she said, “I’m busy,” and with that she grabbed her apple beside her plate and walked out to the barn.
“Oh mom!” Isabella cried to her mom for the first time in four days. “I’m so sorry I know you barely had anything to do with this mess, please forgive me.”
“Absolutely, how could I stay mad at you?” Mary answered. “Don’t worry about Amy she’ll get over it”
“Mom she’s never not talked to me for more than two days,” Isabella sobbed.
“You now what? When you were younger you did the same thing to me, because I accidentally threw your favorite halter out.”
“Really I did that? How old was I?” Isabella asked.
“You were Amy’s age, fourteen.”
“I bet I wasn’t known for keeping grudges for more than two months though,” Isabella replied.
“Your right on that, but I don’t think you want to start now,” Mary added and heading upstairs.
“Mom?” Isabella called. Suddenly she heard slow footsteps coming downstairs. Then here dad’s white haired, and slightly wrinkled pace peaked around the corner.
“How was your breakfast?” Jake asked cautiously
“Why would you care? Are we getting that taken away too!” Isabella snapped. Then she took it back when she saw the shock and hurt in her father’s eyes. “I’m so sorry dad! I’m taking my anger out on other people.”
“No! it’s my fault I should have agreed to letting Amy now three weeks ago,” Jake confessed.
“I’d have to admit yes, but I guess what’s done is done,” Isabella said hugging her dad.
“Now where is Amy?” Jake asked searching the kitchen.
“Oh she snapped at me and ran out to the barn,” Isabella replied looking down at her hands. “What am I going to do? I can’t continue like this anymore!”
“Hey all you can do is what you are doing, trying to communicate with her, eventually she’ll realize that this is life. Yes it could have been prevented but mistakes happen,” Jake said reassuringly.

“Hey Rosie! Look what I’ve got!” Amy shouted out to Rosie’s pasture. All a sudden Amy heard a familiar nicker, and the clattering of a evenly paced gallop. Amy laughed and said, “You could smell the apple hey?”
“Hey!?” a male voice shouted making Amy jump. “I’m looking for a Isabella Anderson?”
“Your point is,” Amy snapped, still angry at everyone. Rosie nudged Amy for more apple, Amy took it as a smarten up nudge after she saw the surprise in the man’s blue eyes. “I’m sorry, my names Amy Andereson,” Amy replied walking up to the man.
“Names Luke, Luke Stilton, and no problem” Luke said offering his hand for a shake.
“What’cha here for?” Amy asked.
“Ummm…..well I’m your mom’s boyfriend’s son,” Luke answered slightly embarrassed.
“What!?” Amt shouted. “My mother has no boyfriend!” “unless that’s another thing she’s lied about,” Amy muttered. How could she do this to me?
“Hey I’m sorry I had no idea,” Luke said raising his hands in defense. “So is that your horse?” Luke asked trying desperately to change the subject.
Amy nodded. This week just kept getting worse and worse.
“She’s defiantly a looker,” Luke complimented.
“Oh no!” Amy whispered and ran over to the bush.
“Hey John what……Oh Luke….what are you doing here?” Isabella asked.
“Oh ummm…John just wanted me to tell you he wont be able to come tonight because he is sick,” Luke stuttered.
“Oh my! What’s wrong?” Isabella asked.
So he was coming here tonight and mom sounds really worried about him, maybe Luke was right.
“He’s got a cold so he said he would give you a call about another night,” Luke informed.
“Tell him I hope he gets better soon.”
“My pleasure.” Luke walked slowly to his truck.
Amy motioned for Rosie to leave, but Rosie just looked confused a stayed put.
“Amy?” Isabella questioned looking in the bush. “What are you doing in here?”
“How the heck could you not tell me about the farm, but now how the heck could you not tell me your dating!” Amy yelled trying to run past her mother, but Isabella caught her.
“What are you talking about? I’m not dating,” Isabella exclaimed bewildered.
“Luke said……”
“Urgh! John’s done it again, he wants our friendship to be more but I prefer not,” Isabella explained.
“How do I now your not lying because you lied about our bill for the ranch being fine!” Amy argued and then ran past her.

“Hey what’s the rush?” Luke laughed as Amy ran past him into the barn. Luke followed. “Amy what’s wrong?” Luke asked.
“First off your going to tell your dad that my mom is not his girlfriend!” Amy shouted.
“Okay I didn’t now I was as surprised as you when I heard about it, last time I heard they were friends, next thing I now there dating,” Luke confessed.
Was it possible that mom wasn’t lying?
“Amy? Are you alright?” Luke asked touching her shoulder. Amy jumped and pulled here shoulder away.
“Oh! Are you alright? You look stressed.”
Amy shrugged and said, “I think you should be going.”
“Oh okay talk to you later,” Luke said waving bye.
“Yeah right,” Amy muttered.
“What?” Luke asked turning around.
“Oh umm yeah,” Amy lied.
Luke smiled and waved.

It was 9:00 p.m. when Mary cam upstairs to ask her if she would like some beef soup that they had for supper.
Well grandma’s sure trying to make everything okay, maybe I should forgive her, she really had no part in this.
“Amy would you like some soup?” Mary asked.
Amy nodded but couldn’t get herself to apologize. As Amy ate her soup she thought about how she would survive in the city. If only I could do something to pekersuade to bank to let us keep to ranch, Amy asked herself. “That’s it!” Amy smiled, and ran over to here desk to phone Luke. Hopefully he’ll help me. “Krap I’m going to have to go downstairs to get the number.” Amy thought out loud.
Amy slowly crept downstairs and looked in the kitchen to see if the coast was clear. Yes! Amy thought and walked into the kitchen. Where was everyone? No one was in the living room, or their rooms. All a sudden Amy heard whispers coming from the porch, so she ducked quickly and found the phone book and ran upstairs
“Luke?” Amy asked.
“Nope John,” John answered.
Oh great Amy thought, “well I need to talk to Luke,” Amy snapped.
“One second please.”
“Hello Luke here,” Luke said.
‘Hey Luke, Amy here I need to ask a favor.”
“Oh Amy! Okay then ask away.”
Amy explained her plan that she they would take her money, which would put them just over half then money they need, and try to raise the rest.
“Yes I would help! I could even put my money towards it as well,” Luke suggested.
“Great lets start tomorrow,” Amy said.

“Wow was that a day!” Luke said collapsing on Amy’s bed. Amy and Luke had just got back from town, were they had just finished doing different fundraisers for people around the community to raise money to save Amy’s ranch. Amy had finished exercising and grooming horses. Luke finished walking dogs, he also helped a old lady get her three cats out of a tree.
“How’d we do?” Luke asked Amy.
“Where’d you get a hundred dollars?” Amy asked.
“From the old lady, along with these,” Luke said holding up two more hundred dollar bills. “When I told her we were raising money to save your ranch she gave me one for each cat.”
Amy nodded and counted the other bit of money on the calculator, and showed Luke.
“Whoa!” Amy and Luke chorused. “This is more than we need,” Amy said.
“We’re even more convincing then,” Luke pointed out.
“You now what? Your not that bad,” Amy said. “Now lets get on the phone.”

So today’s the day, Amy thought. The bank was scheduled to be here and 9 a.m. and Amy was as nervous as could be. Amy pulled on some jeans and a t-shirt, then went downstairs.
“Were are your bags?” Isabella asked.
Amy shrugged and answered, “I’m not going,” and ran outside.
“There here!” Amy shouted nervously to Luke.
“It’ll be fine,” Luke reassured her and put a hand on her shoulder, Amy jumped but didn’t refuse the comfort.
“You Luke Stilton?” the man in black asked.
Luke nodded and handed the man the money, “the whole nine yards and more.”
“What’s going on?” Jake asked followed by Mary and Isabella
Luke and Amy explained what they did.
“All that packing for nothing,” Mary sighed and lugged the bags in the house.
“Mom,” Amy said nervously. “I’m sorry for freaking out on you, I should have accepted what was done.”
“No, I should have convinced grandpa you were old enough to now, I’m so very sorry,” Isabella apologized, giving Amy a hug. Isabella pulled away and left Jake and Amy alone.
“Sweetie I’m sorry, you were old enough and you just proved it even more,” Jake said.
“I’m sorry too. For freaking out,” Amy exclaimed hugging Jake.

Later that night they all celebrated by having a bonfire, with John and Luke.
“So that was a pretty busy few days,” Luke said to Amy in the barn.
“Yeah,” Amy agreed, and then there was a awkward silence. Next thing Amy knew was they were snuggled up beside the fire. Suddenly everyone was smiling at them.
“Hey were old enough,” Amy laughed joined in by Luke.
“Okay then to Amy and Luke for saving the Ranch!” Isabella shouted.
“To Amy and Luke!” echoed the crowd.